A Different Kind of Froggin’

It’s not for everyone, but Missouri’s official frogging season officially kicks off on June 30. If you’re not up to hunting them for your supper, why not hunt them for a photo session instead?

Our state is home to heaps of frogs, which can make beautiful—and sometimes comical—little subjects. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, we’ve got a whopping 26 species and subspecies of toads and frogs. Gray Tree Frogs, Peepers, and Plains Leopard Frogs are just a few of the froggies you can find all over Missouri.

Traditional froggers target the big bullfrogs, but if you want to snap the critters’ portraits instead of gobble their legs, you can expand your hunt to a much wider variety. Temperature dictates where you’ll find frogs in and around water. This time of year, you’ll want to look in shallow water where they call, breed, and lay eggs.

Photography for the Frogs!

Smile Pretty for the Camera!

Tips for photographing frogs:

  • Walk slowly, stop frequently, and keep your distance so as not to startle.
  • Look for frogs scoping out prey out on the edges of ponds and lakes.
  • Use a long-zoom lens.
  • Set lens on smallest f-stop for maximum depth of field.
  • Set ISO as high as possible.